Solana Tables

[Legacy Documentation, Not Maintained, For Reference Only]

Background of Solana

Blockchain: Solana

Solana is a public base-layer blockchain protocol that optimizes for scalability. The goal of the Solana blockchain is to provide a platform that enables developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) without needed to design around performance bottlenecks. Solana features a new timestamp system called Proof of History (PoH) that enables automatically ordered transactions. It also uses Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to help secure the network.

The public Github repo with Solana model source code is here.

Current Solana Tables

The current Solana table schemas build concepts laid out in Flipside's event data model. Solana tables are available in Velocity as the solana schema. The tables are built based on the Solana events and transactions information. The following Solana tables are available:

Solana Dim Labels

Solan Dim Tokens

Solana EZ Signers

Solan EZ Token Prices Hourly

Solana Fact Blocks

Solana Fact Events

Solana Fact Gauges Votes

Solana Fact Gov Actions

Solana Dim NFT Metadata

Solana Fact NFT Mints

Solana Fact NFT Sales

Solana Fact Proposal Creation

Solana EZ Staking/LP Actions

Solana Fact Staking/LP Actions

Solana Fact Stake Pool Actions

Solana Fact Swaps

Solana Fact Token Prices Hourly

Solana Fact Transactions

Solana Fact Transfers

Solana Fact Votes Agg Blocks

What we have:

  • All native on-chain Solana events dating back to November 28, 2021.

  • Labels for certain common Solana wallet addresses and programs.

  • NFT metadata for top Solana NFT projects.

What we don't have:

  • Off-chain events such as DEX order book transactions and bids on secondary NFT marketplaces.

  • Data before Nov. 28th, 2021. We are in the process of backfilling the Solana tables, earlier data will be made available shortly.

  • Votes anywhere besides the solana.votes_block_agg table and Pyth Oracle transactions.

Solana Labels

Solana labels are available and located in the table solana.labels. To include Solana labels in your analysis, perform a join on address or program ID. Please note that all address labels stored in the solana.labels table are in lower case and that Solana addresses are case sensitive. To join the tables, use the SQL function COLLATE to create a case insensitive JOIN statement.

Solana NFT Tables And Metadata

We have three Solana NFT tables: solana.nfts (mints, sales, etc), solana.nft_metadata (token names, images, attributes, etc), and solana.airdrops (NFT and token airdrops).

The goal of these tables is to create a unified table of on-chain Solana NFT data that makes it easy to compare across and within NFTs. To do this, we have curated metadata from top Solana NFT projects. The metadata is nowhere near comprehensive, we add projects one or two at a time. That being said, we want these tables to be interesting to our community and would love feedback and recommendations for projects to add.

How to Contribute to Our Data

Are there labels or NFT metadata that you would like to see added to our data? Let us know the following information in Discord or via email (

Good: Send us the name of the token/label and the contract address.

Better: Send us the name of the token/label, the contract address, and the project website.

Best: Send us the name, contract address, project website, and example transactions (links to For an NFT, we would appreciate examples of the following transaction types:

  • minting

  • list

  • unlist

  • bid

  • sale

  • any other special thing you can "do" with this NFT (ex: staking)

Last updated