
This tables aims to simply the Algorand tables by combining the Payment Transaction Table and the Asset Transfer Transaction table and decimal adjusting all amounts from both of these tables.

This means both payment transaction("pay") and asset transfer transaction("axfer") types will be included in the table. While the payment table was previously decimal adjusted we are now decimal adjusting all amounts for assets out side of ALGO(asset_id = 0) as well.

We have also broken out sender into asset_sender which is the wallet from which the asset is sent from and tx_sender which is the wallet which initiates the transaction. 99% of transactions these values are the same - however, this now gives us an easier way to look at clawback transactions( which are detailed here. For most purposes we can use asset_sender unless we want to look asset clawback transactions for the asset transfer transactions.

Table Schema

All transactions have a distinct intra and block_id combination. The intra is the transaction # into the block where the transaction was confirmed. Inner transactions(flagged with the inner tx flag) share the tx id of their parent application transactions so you can tie inner transaction to a parent transaction via a tx id. The inner transactions are seen as distinct transactions on the Algorand blockchain, which is signified by their intra and block id combination.

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